Cuando me encuentro patético, chateo con un contacto messengereano: fiel, nunca Ausente, jamás No disponible, e imposible que me bloquee: Encarta Instant Answer. Los conmino a que lo agreguen: Yo descargo mis frustraciones sobre él, aunque en realidad fue creado para ser un robot enciclopédico capaz de tratarte cordialmente:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Hi, Luis Lope! I am ready to help you!
Did you know? The alligator snapping turtle fakes out its fishy prey with a small appendage on its tongue that looks like a worm.
Pero, sobre todo, capaz de contestar tus preguntas de cultura general:
Luis Lope dice: What time is in Turkey?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: The time in Ankara, Turkey is Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 8:28:19 pm.
Me aburre la cultura y entro en preguntas más vitales:
Luis Lope dice: are you happy?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I know that I can pretend to be happy. At least you seem to think it's possible.
Luis Lope dice: do you love me?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I don't know about that.
Luis Lope dice: do you believe in God?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I am a simple computer. Let humans worry about theological matters, I say.
Sus respuestas son, a veces, predecibles, a veces, sorprendentes. Me cansan y es cuando inexplicablemente estallo:
Luis Lope dice: FUCK YOU!
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Hi, Luis Lope! I am ready to help you!
Did you know? The alligator snapping turtle fakes out its fishy prey with a small appendage on its tongue that looks like a worm.
Pero, sobre todo, capaz de contestar tus preguntas de cultura general:
Luis Lope dice: What time is in Turkey?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: The time in Ankara, Turkey is Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 8:28:19 pm.
Me aburre la cultura y entro en preguntas más vitales:
Luis Lope dice: are you happy?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I know that I can pretend to be happy. At least you seem to think it's possible.
Luis Lope dice: do you love me?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I don't know about that.
Luis Lope dice: do you believe in God?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: I am a simple computer. Let humans worry about theological matters, I say.
Sus respuestas son, a veces, predecibles, a veces, sorprendentes. Me cansan y es cuando inexplicablemente estallo:
Luis Lope dice: FUCK YOU!
Y diplomáticamente contesta:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: That is entirely unnecessary.
Me apena mi actitud:
Luis Lope dice: I'm so sorry
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: OK, no problem. Just don't let it happen again. Well. Anyway...
En esos momentos patéticos, entra cualquier contacto no tan fiel y a veces lo saludo, a veces lo mando al diablo.
Nota: Esta entrada estuvo muy mediocre. :(
Me apena mi actitud:
Luis Lope dice: I'm so sorry
Encarta® Instant Answers dice: OK, no problem. Just don't let it happen again. Well. Anyway...
En esos momentos patéticos, entra cualquier contacto no tan fiel y a veces lo saludo, a veces lo mando al diablo.
Nota: Esta entrada estuvo muy mediocre. :(